Volume 2:

Fifty Years, Three Bear Markets


This seminar contains:

  • A thousand-word, bulletized essay on the twelve hallmarks of all truly effective seminars.
  • A user’s guide to this specific seminar, clearly highlighting its essential points, and enabling you to edit/update it at will, or as your compliance function requires.
  • The draft seminar itself – a total of eighteen slides – with a bulletized script of the key points you’ll wish to make as you speak to each slide.

This draft focuses clearly on four key ideas:


  1. The shares of even America’s finest companies have experienced frequent declines in price.
  2. Some of these declines, driven by very real crises, have been quite significant.
  3. Despite these setbacks, leading U.S. companies have continued to grow their earnings and dividends strongly over time.
  4. Their shares have overcome even the deepest declines more rapidly than one might expect—and gone on to new heights